Tag: Saving Mes Aynak

Brent Huffman IDFA2015

“Documentary Journalists on the Front Line” – Brent E. Huffman

Associate Professor Brent E. Huffman, IDFA2015 Honorary Award Recipient, was a Featured Speaker at The Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication 2015 (MediAsia2015) in Kobe, Japan. In our modern age of vanishing journalism outlets, documentary filmmakers are filling the...

/ August 21, 2016
Brent Huffman Honorary Award

The IDFA Honorary Award 2015

The IAFOR Documentary Film Award is delighted to announce the winner of the IDFA Honorary Award for 2015. The 2015 IDFA Honorary Award goes to Professor Brent E. Huffman. Professor Huffman has been making social issue documentaries and environmental films...

/ August 21, 2015

Saving Mes Aynak Announced as this year’s Featured Screening

We are very proud to announce that Saving Mes Aynak will be the Featured Documentary screened at this year’s IAFOR Documentary Film Award & Festival in Kobe, Japan. Saving Mes Aynak, a documentary directed by Brent E. Huffman, follows Afghan...

/ August 19, 2015